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Unlocking Human Potential: The Transformative Power of AI in the Workplace

Unlocking Human Potential: The Transformative Power of AI in the Workplace

Welcome to a pivotal exploration of artificial intelligence in the modern workforce.

Meet Laura Shact, whose visionary work is at the forefront of integrating AI with human-centric strategies, reshaping how organizations innovate, perform, and grow. In this exclusive interview, we dive deep into how AI not only fills talent gaps but also creates opportunities to advance human potential like never before.

Join us through our interview as we explore the critical intersections of AI, ethics, and the future of work with one of the industry's leading thinkers.

Challenges of AI Integration

Welcome, Laura Shact! Your expertise in driving workforce transformation through AI is reshaping how organizations approach talent strategy and development. We're excited to uncover your perspectives on AI's role in enhancing human potential and addressing talent gaps.


What are the biggest challenges currently facing organizations in integrating AI technologies, and how can they be overcome to unlock true innovation?



AI presents a tremendous opportunity for organizations to realize value – but that opportunity comes with challenges. Despite all the hype, it’s not meant to replace humans, but to better unlock human potential—just as technology was always meant to do. The need for humans didn’t diminish with the invention of the personal computer. They got better and faster at accomplishing work. If done well, Generative AI can aspire to the same promise: Making humans better at work and work better for humans™. That said, executives should begin to consider “futureproofing” the Generative AI-enabled workforce because work is apt to shift quickly, and workers will need new skills.

Talent gaps are present today, with +70% of leaders in our Global Human Capital Trends Survey saying that changes in talent strategy need to occur in the near future based on GenAI advancements. But, organizations, at large, are not ready. And, it’s not because they’re not trying – organizations are widely reporting their efforts to recruit and educate talent. Only 47% of respondents agree that they are sufficiently educating their employees on the capabilities, benefits, and value of Generative AI. Most anticipate quickly evolving their talent strategies within the next two years.

“AI presents a tremendous opportunity for organizations to realize value – but that opportunity comes with challenges... Generative AI can aspire to the same promise: Making humans better at work and work better for humans™ "
Laura Shact

AI Leader for Human Capital, Deloitte

Realizing Human Potential with AI:


What emerging trends in AI do you believe will have the most significant impact on the workforce over the next five years?


Generative AI is poised to transform the US workforce, potentially impacting 300 million jobs per Goldman Sachs’ latest estimates. There is not a single job - white collar, blue collar, formal or informal - that will not be re-shaped in some way by recent advancements in AI. While AI may not replace most jobs, it will almost certainly change the way we do the work – in ways we are starting to explore. Experts anticipate a 40% improvement in performance for workers that use Generative AI compared to those who don’t. This performance improvement leaves time to focus on new skills. Many organizations are unprepared for the reskilling efforts that this will take, with 41% of leaders reporting that they’re unprepared to tackle talent concerns.

Ethical Leadership in an AI-Powered Era:


What guiding principles should leaders follow to foster the worker-employer relationship through the deployment of AI?


We're in a trust crisis – employers not trusting their workforce, the workforce distrusting their employers (and all major institutions), and people are not trusting the technology. Organizations will struggle to realize the real value of AI until humans can trust the machines without fear. We know that workforce trust matters. For example, Deloitte’s Trust ID research reveals that workers in high-trust environments are 50% less likely to leave an organization. But, new data from Deloitte’s Trust ID shows how that trust may be put at risk. When asked how their trust in their employer would be impacted if the company started using AI in the workplace, a 53% decline in trust was observed. Introducing AI without context made the employer seem less human and less trustworthy overall. AI presents an amazing opportunity, but some organizations who capitalize on it may see declining workforce and consumer trust. So, what should organizations do, given this conundrum?

1) Move with humanity and empathy.

Workforce trust data reveals that workers perceive employers as 2.3x less empathetic and human when AI tools are offered. So, double down on humanity and empathy. Use your workforce communications as a vehicle to tell real stories about how the tool will have a positive impact on the workers day-to-day lives. Empathize where you know growing pains or fear exist. Allow employees to experiment with the technology and even co-create what their AI future might look like.

2) Use transparency thoughtfully.

Many organizations don’t yet know the workforce impact of AI. But, saying nothing just leaves employees speculating about what the future may hold. In our latest Global Human Capital Trends report, we talk about the idea that transparency is a paradox. Common thinking tells us that more transparency is always better, but we’ve observed that may not always be true. Sometimes too much transparency in the worker-employer relationship can feel like surveillance or leaders flip-flopping as they try to guess what the future holds. The key here is to be intentionally and thoughtfully transparent. For example, 96% of workers would accept more data monitoring if they know they’re getting something in return – like more personalized training and career development opportunities.

As you move along your AI journey, consider what would be helpful for employees to know – what would add value to their lives?